Agent definition
Agents are specialized search engines searching through special fields of knowledge within a category and are therefore subordinated under their respective category. Each agent refers to various sources. The agent window always shows the agents of the chosen category.
You will find categories and agents in the left-hand agent panel. Categories describe the general subject area (for example "economy" or "news"). They are marked by small coloured boxes. As soon as you have chosen one category, its agents appear underneath in the agent panel. At the same time you will always see the other categories in the panel so that you can easily change the category for another search.
After having chosen an agent you can enter your specific keyword in the input field of the keyword line and start the search with ENTER or the start symbol.
What are an agent's characteristics?
An agent
searches through several preselected top-sources simultaneously for your individual search term or data;
is fast and time-saving and provides you with a multitude of current and precise results;
presents result in tables according to relevant criteria so that you can sort them as you like.
You can delete the pre-defined entry Agent in the headline of the agent panel by a simple mouse click on the question mark. If you then enter a general search term such as Computer, the agent wizard will automatically open an agent which might be appropriate for this subject.
You can find further information under:
BINGOOO systematics
Searching criteria in BINGOOO
Category definition
Agent panel
Command Agent panel (View menu)